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The old Finca, Ibiza

At the hills of the Morna valley an old Finca will be renovated. The Finca, a typical Ibicenco farm, is situated on eight-hectares estate, which has been abandoned for years.

A forest of pine trees surrounds the site. Precious old olive trees, some magnificent evergreen oaks and sabina’s are found on the site. The client is very engaged to renovate and develop the site in a respective and sustainable way incorporating elements and knowledge of the Ibicenco architecture, traditions and landscape.


This is the kind of project that will take several years to realise. We started with the developing of the landscape while waiting for all the permissions to renovate the Finca. This approach allows letting the landscape evolve and develop gradually overtime. By the time the renovation of the Finca will be done, a great part of the landscape plan with fruit trees, the olive grove, nice terraces and pathways will be developed and provide instantly shade and comfort outside.

A general plan has been made together with a zoning plan in order realise phase by phase. The zones consist different scales and landscape types: the greatest part is Forest about 5 ha, the agricultural landscape (3 ha), with olive trees, orchards and different terraces and the swimming pool, and the “ oasis” close to the Finca, a more intensive and lush planted area.  For each zone a design and planting plan is made, using plants, which require as little water as possible and are hardy in the arid climate of Ibiza.


First phase consisted of cleaning up the land, cutting back the invasive pine tree population, and removing dead trees and wood. Some of the characteristic stonewall were renovated. The land has been ploughed. The red earth, typically for Ibiza is fertile and of good quality. 


In 2016 we started the second phase, with the planting  28 olive trees at the entrance of the site. The Olive trees are planted within a grid of 6x6 meters. Two existing big olive trees blend in perfectly with the new ones. The trees emphasize the existing topography of the site. From the different terraces one has a great view over the tree canopies towards the Finca, the surrounding landscape and the seaside. The species Olea europea “Arbequina” was used. This species is very common in Catalunya and gives a very fruity and rich olive oil.


Spring 2017 we planted 16 fruit trees; quince, pomegranate, peach, apple, apricots, pear, lime, and lemon trees were planted.  The first fruits have been harvested already…  

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