Report ‘Verbetering Oeverkwaliteit Erfgoedlijn Waterdriehoek’ by S-coop presented at the Province of
The area between the Biesbosch, Dordrecht and Kinderdijk, referred to as the Waterdriehoek, has many interesting and important recreational destinations such as Kinderdijk, the historical city Centre of Dordrecht and the National Park the Biesbosch. They all tell a story about the history of the Netherlands, and water every time plays a major part in this history. However the relation between the cultural heritage and water has ceased in the experience of the landscape and knowledge of our history.
The research presented in this report formulates a series of interventions to (physically) regain, restore and reconnect the cultural heritage and water in order to improve the natural, cultural and economical potential of these sites and it’s greater region.
Saline Verhoeven from S-coop asked me to participate in the team in collaboration with Steenhuis-Meurs and Vireo Real Estate.